No-one really explained testosterone properly growing up and people used to just put out broad claims suggesting if you had more hair on your body or face and were super horny all the time it automatically equated to higher testosterone levels and being manly. However, this is not always the case and where things get a little bit more complex. As mentioned in the previous post DHT impacts a lot of these androgenic functions that is commonly associated with masculinity and being a man (the standard responsibilities, and capabilities of a male human being).

However, genetics does play a big role, especially when it comes to bone structure, muscle bellies, fat distribution and hair growth. But lower levels in general does make someone physically weaker in performance and appearance compared to someone who is genetically similar with a similar lifestyle that has healthy DHT levels.

Symptoms of low & high DHT levels During Puberty:

During puberty, low levels of DHT may lead to reduced facial and body hair growth, potential delays, or alterations in the development of secondary sexual characteristics, including voice deepening and muscle development, slower or altered genital growth, and potentially less pronounced voice changes in males, while an excess can have the opposite effect, with increasing the likelihood of oily skin and acne, particularly on the face, chest, and back.

Symptoms of low & excess DHT levels in adulthood

Excess DHT levels can lead to hair thinning and decreased hair density, especially on the scalp. In adult males, DHT continues to influence libido and sexual function, with low levels potentially associated with reduced sex drive and erectile dysfunction. Additionally, DHT levels may have implications for prostate health, with elevated levels being commonly linked to prostate conditions like Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BHP) a non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate gland which can lead to urinary problems. Moreover, DHT regulates sebaceous glands, and reduced levels may result in drier skin or changes in oiliness.


Testosterone and DHT levels have also been shown to effect “mental health” and mindset, most commonly when it comes to libido and aggression, however it’s not usually how people think.

Higher levels have shown to exaggerate pre-existing social patterns of behaviour rather than creating them. This is shown by being more driven towards the behaviours that get rewarded by their community/culture, which in turn helps them to maintain their status/position in that social hierarchy.

This makes sense when we also understand the strong link between dopamine and testosterone where higher levels of both increase the feeling of pleasure received when working towards a “goal” and makes hard work feel good which allows someone to work harder, with less fatigue. However, this does not corelate to having a higher IQ or working smarter.

So, although increasing testosterone levels is important towards the development of becoming a man, acknowledging that deep psychological work is often also required to rewire from the social conditioning we were and are constantly exposed to throughout our life that has shaped an image of what we think a man should be, versus what a man truly is. This confusion has created a lot of insecurities especially in the modern world as everyone says something different which has caused a lot of adult males to become lost, depressed, and suicidal. This can lead to some desperate measures hoping it solves the problem.


I mention this specifically because of the alarming number of young men who aren’t professional athletes that are wanting to or are taking steroids or other PED’s, usually because of a lack of attention they receive from society but more so sexual partners which for most is an indication that they are “man” enough.

While these may provide a feeling of being on top of the world and finally confident in oneself, extended use will only lead to a larger downfall once you come off. Apart from the physical changes, you will have to deal with what I believe is psychological torture that doesn’t seem to get discussed much and shows up with these two major problems that you will have to deal with as your body will stop producing testosterone potentially indefinitely. 

  1. All the size, strength, and physical benefits that were achieved while on these things will start to decrease. Which if the individual was self-conscious before they started, like most people, this will become a lot worse.
  2. You won’t have the dopamine or testosterone levels required to really do anything, especially difficult, which will most likely have you falling into other addictive patterns or behaviours that provide quick dopamine spikes rather than trying to improve the situation.

This is not truly understood unless someone has experienced both lower and higher levels of testosterone and the difference in one’s mental state that comes with the change. It is this dread feeling of being stuck in a state of unworthiness/uselessness that becomes too overwhelming for most that drives individuals into a continuous cycle of PED use.

I believe this became an option for most because many males today perceive physical and material success as the primary indicators of being "man" enough. Which is not entirely wrong as these things are what majority of females look for in a partner. However, the emphasis on the aesthetic aspects of success rather than understanding the purpose behind these achievements can contribute to frustration in life and relationships, as most males are so focused on what attracts a woman rather than what keeps a woman. 

Additionally, the age-related decline in testosterone levels may be a result of a biological shift, where nature prioritises supporting the survival of existing offspring and the community, conserving energy and resources for an extended lifespan, and prioritising community well-being over peak reproductive capabilities.

We will expand on this in our series MASCULINITY: WHAT IT MEANS TO BE A MAN? – which we will explain the responsibilities, capabilities, and purpose when it comes to being a man.



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